Monday, November 12, 2007

Update on Evie

Many of you already know that Evie has been having some sort of breathing problem since mid-May. We thought maybe seasonal allergies (but the medical community seems to think babies can't have allergies) Anyway our doctor kept an eye on it all summer and really believed it was RAD (Reactive Airway Disease)--in an adult this would be Asthma, but so many babies grow out of it that they don't want to label them as having "asthma"--long story short (and vaguely I feel like maybe I've posted about this already) anyway--we have tried inhalers, a nebulizer, I've tried not eating dairy products, keeping her from eating any wheat etc., etc.

Since she is still having problems our doctor thought we should see a pediatric pulmonologist. We did last Wednesday and after quite a while of examining her, listening to her, and asking us questions he told us he really doesn't think it is asthma. Instead he thinks she may have an artery that should be laying beside her wind pipe actually laying across it and causing it to flatten instead of stay round and open. He said it has probably been this way since she was born, but she caught her first cold/virus in May and it basically got trapped down below where she can't cough it up. Most of us have a little mucus/secretion in our airway that a good cough clears out. Evie's just sort of stays trapped and moves up and down. (This is how we get the sound Jon likes to call "Darth Vadar") They went ahead and send us somewhere else and did a test Wednesday to check her swallowing and didn't see any obstruction as things went down to her stomach--which is good--if they did that would have meant the artery was actually wrapped around both airway and esophagus--but it's not, so now we have a "procedure" scheduled at Cox South in Sprinfield on the day before Thanksgiving. They will actually put a camera up through her nose and down her throat to check if her airway is open or looks flattened. She will have an I.V. and be sedated so she is more comfortable. It will be done in the NICU because the beds are nice and open all the way around and they have all the monitoring equipment--for keeping a close eye on her during it. We can stay with her right up until they put the camera in and then they will record everything so the doctor can go over the video with us when he is done. If it doesn't' look flattened he will still take some cultures to try and figure out what is going on. If it is flattened like he thinks it is he told us it will just require a "simple sugery" to move the artery over off of her airway. (No surgery near the heart/lung area sounds simple to me...he did say we would need to be at a Children's Hospital to have that done if that is what they find.) So please keep us in your prayers next Wednesday. They said after a breathing treatment or two for inflamation she should be ready to go--sometime between noon and 2:00 p.m.

Jon and I are still not sure if I am going to go this one alone...he will already be missing work on Thursday because of he may have to be here on Wednesday. (Being self-employed has its perks and its "not so perky" parts. :)

Anyway--that updates everyone on what is going on with the breathing stuff. Other wise we are just racing along to the holidays it seems.

(Had to edit here because Jon just happened to check our e-mail and I forgot when anyone leaves a comment it notifies us in our e-mail. I am turning that little feature off--and hopefully he will forget how wierd I acted when he tried to click on the comments e-mails. Oh well--if you're reading this and it makes no sense whatsoever, give me a call and I'll explain.)


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...


We will pray everything goes well with Evie's testing. I know that can be very nerve wracking. I pray they are able to correct whatever problem there is with no complications.

That is a neat idea for your hubby. I can't add anything though cause of course, I don't know him!! Wish I did though! Wish you guys lived closer so we could see you.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Angela,
We'll be praying for you all and Evie. I'm so glad you've gone to a specialist who is trying to get to the bottom of things. If it does require surgery and they are sending you to a children's hospital - I HIGHLY recommend Children's Mercy in KC. They have been wonderful to us and know they would take fantastic care of Evie :)
You're in our thoughts and prayers - and if you need anything, please hollar.

Jennifer said...

I realize this is something that you already know, but wanted to let you know again. We have been and will continue to pray for Evie and for both of you. No matter what anybody says, it is always hard to allow your child to have a surgery, no matter how big or small that surgery is considered. We'll be praying for you and Jon to have peace during the surgery and to know that God is protecting her and guiding the doctor's hands. Let us know what time she goes in on Wednesday so we know when it will be okay to call and check on her. We'll see you Wednesday night. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi "you all"

Sorry to learn that Evie having continual breathing problems. We also will be praying that God will give doctors wisdome to solve cause and take care of it. May our Lord also be with you and give you His peace during these days. Like Dana said, wish you lived closer. How is Naomia doing? U harry & A. Jackie

"Sometimes when we're not even looking we find little treasures."