Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's another Girl!

Just a quick post to let anyone know who hasn't heard yet that we are expecting another girl. Evie was thrilled! (Actually we weren't sure what we were going to do if God gave us a baby brother because Evie had informed us we were going to take him to the back yard???) We are really excited about another bundle of pink cuteness! Right now the boys are playing with their train and Evie has a picnic all set up beside me. She is really content playing by herself with her dishes or baby dolls, but a friend to play with would be so cool for her. I would post a picture from the ultra sound, but I haven't had or taken time to figure out how to scan using our new printer/copier/scanner...sure it's not hard, but right now I have to get back to spelling!!!!!!!!!

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"Sometimes when we're not even looking we find little treasures."